#1 Ntchisi Forest
1. NTCHISI FOREST (Malawi) | Augustus 2015
Ntchisi Forest is a mid-altitude-evergreen-rainforest. When walking through the woods the thick layers of organic matter feel soft beneath my shoes. The forest is lush, dark green and fresh. The trees provide shade and cool. The soil consists of a spongy mass of decomposing leaves and branches, mixed with moss and black earth. There was a red battery, a strange toxic thing to find in the forest. In the soil live all sorts of tiny animals, I even found a bright red bug! This find sparked my imagination and turned out to be the beginning of a collection of red matter from the evergreen rainforest of Ntchisi. There were red leaves, grasses and fruits. I also found a piece of cloth, a grasshopper’s hind leg and feathers from a Knysna Loerie that was probably eaten.
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#1 Ntchisi Forest
1. NTCHISI FOREST (Malawi) | August 2015
Ntchisi Forest is a mid-altitude-evergreen-rainforest. When walking through the woods the thick layers of organic matter feel soft beneath my shoes. The forest is lush, dark green and fresh. The trees provide shade and cool. The soil consists of a spongy mass of decomposing leaves and branches, mixed with moss and black earth. All kinds of small animals live in the soil, I even found a bright red bug. Jan Henk found a red battery, a strange toxic thing to find in the forest. I also found a grasshopper’s hind leg and feathers from a Knysna Loerie that was probably eaten.